Gain the Advantage of Association

The services provided by SEFA are determined by the members. Every member has a strong voice in the association. SEFA is governed by a membership-elected Board of Directors, Advisory Board and a variety of task-oriented committees. The organization provides responsiveness and immediacy in dealing with industry issues.  

SEFA partners with industry organizations throughout the world.  This partnering often results in discounts for our Members.  SEFA and its Members are frequent presenters at industry events like ACHEMA; Analytica China; ARABLAB; AURP; BCEIA; Future Lab Innovation Summit; Jasis; Lab Korea; Labtech China; SLEA and others.  SEFA hosts Networking Receptions in conjunction with  several global events.  Visit our events calendar for information on all of our upcoming events.  

SEFA holds its Annual Meeting in the United States, in early Fall (October/November).  Our committees meet  two or three times throughout the year, as needed, by web-conference.   Our meetings provide an opportunity for the Association's working committees to share their recommendations with the membership at large. The committees also get additional membership guidance for ongoing work at these meetings.   SEFA holds summits during these meetings and symposiums that  focus on key industry issues.

SEFA has four membership classes --

  1. Executive Members are manufacturers and fabricators of laboratory furniture, equipment and fixtures.  The annual fee for Executive Membership is $6325.00, if the company's gross annual revenues are more than $15 million.  If the company's gross annual revenues are less than $15 million the Membership dues would be $3685.00 annually;
  2. Advisory Board Members are an elite group of laboratory design professionals (architects, engineers, facilities personnel, etc.,) nominated by SEFA Members in Good Standing, as a way of honoring these individuals for their professional accomplishments and also providing them with an educational forum to share their expertise with SEFA Members, collaborate with each other and the next generation of design professionals. Advisory Board Members receive complimentary membership for their firm for their three year term of service.
  3. Sustaining Members are laboratory furniture dealers, distributors, installers, contract manufacturers and fabricators.  The annual fee for Sustaining Members is $5115.00 if the company's gross annual revenues exceed $15 million.  For applicants with gross annual revenues less than $15 million, the annual fee would be $3025.00.
  4. Associate Members are architects, laboratory planners, designers and engineers.  The fee for the Associate Members is $990.00 annually.

All applications for Executive or Sustaining Membership must be accompanied by two (2) letters of reference from the following : (1)  A Supplier and (2)  An Architect/Owner or Lab Planner.  Click on the following link to download sample Reference Letters.  In addition, a SEFA Member must complete a SEFA Member Reference Form on behalf of the applicant.  We will send the form directly to our member once you provide us with the name of the Company that will endorse your application.  

Under Article 3 Section 3.1(a)(4) of SEFA's By-Laws as amended November 6, 2015, all applicants for Executive Membership "shall also submit a certified test report from a SEFA-approved testing facility, establishing that the applicant manufactures laboratory furniture or related equipment at its manufacturing facility which complies with at least one of SEFA's Recommended Practices in effect at the time the membership application is submitted by the applicant." Click here to download a complimentary copy of the SEFA Desk Reference so that you can determine what testing is required for your product.

If you are interested in applying for membership you can download a copy of the appropriate application through the name links above or click on the link below to complete the application process online.  


Executive Membership - Manufacturers
Sustaining Membership - Dealers, Distributors,  Installers, Contract Manufacturers, Fabricators, etc. 
Advisory Board Membership - Lab Design Professionals
Associate Membership - Architects, Lab Planners, Engineers, Consultants, etc.

If you are unsure which class of membership you qualify for or have questions about the application process, please send an email to [email protected].   We will get back to you within 24 hours.   Please note that the Executive Membership Application requires disclosure of certain information which you, the applicant, may consider to be classified or confidential in nature.  If you are concerned about this, please feel free to contact us.  In addition you will need to submit a copy of your product test report with the application.  Your product test report will be reviewed and approved by SEFA Staff only.  The actual test report will not be shared with the SEFA Board or anyone else outside of the SEFA offices.   All other information provided in your application will be used by SEFA staff and the Board of Directors, solely for the purpose of determining eligibility for membership and will be held in the strictest of confidence.